Our Products
We have a big capacity to make bouquets of fresh and dry flowers, decorations for tables and wreaths. Here are some examples from our range of products.

Living, handmade bouquets

Seasonal wreaths (advent, All Saints’ day)
Wreaths can be chosen according to season or occasion in several sizes and variants.

Table decorations, other decorations
Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2017
MoreLiving and hand tied bouquets – wide range of choice at world quality
In our hall we have the possibility to compile a large amount of high-quality bouquets. We take over the tasks from you from designing to putting together and delivering the bouquets. You will only have to collect rewarding remarks from your customers.

Tenders we won

5000 Szolnok, Városmajor út 28.
Telephone of our main office
+36 56 737 445
+36 30 343 0874
Office Hours
8:00 – 16:00